Package de.uni_trier.wi2.procake.similarity.base.collection
package de.uni_trier.wi2.procake.similarity.base.collection
ClassDescriptionListWeights are used to perform a weighted similarity calculation.This class provides special methods to work with
and to manipulate them.GeneralThe CollectionMapping performs the best possible mapping of the query items to the case items of the collection.The SMListCorrectness uses theCorrectnessMetric
to compare the elements of two lists and compute a similarity.Presents the possible strategies for the method ignoreDifferentBeginnings.The SMListDTWWeighted falls back on theSMListDTW
and uses its localSimilarities.The SMListMapping performs a compare on the elements of two lists.The SMListMappingWeighted falls back on theSMListMapping
and uses its localSimilarities.The SMListSWAWeighted falls back on theSMListSWA
and uses its localSimilarities.SMListWeighted is used to perform a weighted similarity calculation.