
Demo #

The demo project illustrates several features of the ProCAKE framework in two exemplary domains:

  1. The cars domain contains a data-set about used vehicles for sale. The casebase consists of structured, attribute-value based cases. The domain model, the casebase, and the specified similarity model for the cars domain can be found in the demo project at src/resources/domains/cars/.
  2. The recipes domain contains a data-set about cooking instructions. The demo project contains two recipes casebases: In the first casebase, the recipes are represented as attribute-value pairs. The casebase, the similarity model, and the domain model can be found at src/resources/domains/recipes/objects/. In the second casebase, the recipes are represented as workflows. The corresponding models and the casebase can be found at src/resources/domains/recipes/workflows/.

There are different exemplary demos in this project:

  • Class GettingStartedDemo: Demonstrates the basic usage of the ProCAKE framework
  • Package cars: Provides a demo class CarsRetrievalDemo demonstrating the attribute-value based retrieval on the cars casebase
    • Package ontology: Provides a demo class CarsOntologyRetrievalDemo demonstrating the OWL integration using the Manufacturer taxonomy converted to an ontology which then is used as a URIClass in conjunction with a InstanceOntologyOrderPredicate in the model. Covers the taxonomy to ontology converter, ontology loading, linking it to a URIClass, defining instances of the URIClass in the casebase, adding a path based similiarity measure for the URIClass and a retrieval showing the similarity calculation.
  • Package recipes: Demonstrates a retrieval on the recipes casebase
    • Package objects: Provides a demo class RecipesRetrievalDemo demonstrating an attribute-value based retrieval on the recipes casebase
    • Package workflows: Demonstrates a process-oriented retrieval on the recipes casebase
      • Package info: Provides classes to explore the underlying domain model
      • Package gui: Demonstrates graph-based retrieval with a graphical user interface
      • Package cli: Provides two demo classes (CLIDemoMetaDataQuery and CLIDemoGraphQuery) demonstrating the retrieval with an attribute-value query and a graph-based query
  • Package dependencies: Demonstrates the Dependency-Guided Retrieval approach by performing such a retrieval on the process-oriented recipes casebase.
  • Package timeSeries: Demonstrates a retrieval with a casebase containing sensor data from a smart factory. The cases consist of different attributes, which contain individual IoT sensor data represented by time series. Each time series specifies the values of a sensor from the smart factory over time.

Using the time series demo, the structure, and the functionalities of the ProCAKE framework are demonstrated in detail on a video. This can be seen in the following YouTube video:

Setup for IntelliJ IDEA IDE #

Current development is done with IntelliJ IDEA on Windows 10. Make sure that you have a current Java version installed. The ProCAKE framework expects Java 17. To import the project please follow the following steps:

  1. Before you start IntelliJ, download and install Git for Windows from
  2. Check out the ProCAKE demo project from In IntelliJ IDEA select VCS | Checkout from Version Control | Git.
  3. ProCAKE demos is as well as the ProCAKE Framework a Maven project, so make sure that the project is imported as a maven project.

The setup described is demonstrated in detail in a video. This can be seen in the following YouTube video: