Interface SMTaxonomyClassic

All Superinterfaces:
SimilarityMeasure, SMTaxonomy
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
SMTaxonomyClassicImpl, SMTaxonomyClassicUserWeightsImpl

public interface SMTaxonomyClassic extends SMTaxonomy
The classic taxonomy measure is calculated by both pre-initialised node weights and several strategies.

The node weights are pre-initialised and all nodes of one level have the same weight. The node weights can be calculated by the following function:

 weight(node) = (height(node) / (maxlevels - 1)) - (1 / (maxlevels - 1))

Where 'maxlevels' denote the number of levels in the taxonomy and the function 'height' starts with 1 for the root and increases the height for each level, e.g., the childs of root have the height 2.

Rainer Maximini
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getInnerNodeInCaseStrategy

      Strategy getInnerNodeInCaseStrategy()
    • setInnerNodeInCaseStrategy

      void setInnerNodeInCaseStrategy(Strategy strategy)
      Define the strategy that should be used in case that the case is a child of the query.
      strategy - The strategy that should be used.
    • getInnerNodeInQueryStrategy

      Strategy getInnerNodeInQueryStrategy()
    • setInnerNodeInQueryStrategy

      void setInnerNodeInQueryStrategy(Strategy strategy)
      Define the strategy that should be used in case that the query is a child of the case.
      strategy - The strategy that should be used.