Interface SMStringWildcard

All Superinterfaces:
SimilarityMeasure, SMString
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface SMStringWildcard extends SMString
Compares a query and case string, where the query can contain wildcards. Wildcards are a kind of regular expressions. Therefore they are implemented by using the regular expression syntax PERL5.


The wildcard query can only indicate, if an expression matches or doesn't match. So the similarity can only be 1 or 0.

For example

  • If the query is "t*t" and the case is "test", then the similarity is 1. "*" can be replaced with the two arbitrary symbols "es".
  • If the query is "t?t" and the case is "test", then the similarity is 0. "?" can only be replaced with one arbitrary symbol.

Supported Syntax

The query can contain wildcards like "*" and "?", that will be interpreted.

Wildcard Meaning
* zero, one or more arbitrary symbols
? one arbitrary symbol
Supported wildcards
Rainer Maximini