Interface SMOntologyIndirectGroup

All Superinterfaces:
SimilarityMeasure, SMOntology
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface SMOntologyIndirectGroup extends SMOntology
Calculates the similarity between query- and case-sets based on the pair similarity of their objects. The pairs a determined by the cartesian product, the pair similarity is calculated by a user-defined similarity measure und the similarities are aggregated by a user-defined aggregation function (Min, Max, Avg).
Tobias Dahlem
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getSimMeasure

      String getSimMeasure()
      the name of the similarity model used.
    • setSimMeasure

      void setSimMeasure(String measure)
      Set the similarity measure for the determined pairs.
      measure - the name of the measure from the similarity model used.
    • getAggFunction

      the name of the aggregation function used.
    • setAggFunction

      void setAggFunction(OntologyIndirectMeasureAggEnum aggFunction)
      Set the aggregation function for the calculated similarities.
      aggFunction - the name of the aggregation function.