Class AbstractMACFACRetriever<TCase extends DataObject>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractMACFACRetriever<TCase extends DataObject> extends RetrieverImpl<TCase,MACFACQuery> implements Retriever<TCase,MACFACQuery>
Generic super class for MAC/FAC retrievers. The class takes two specific retriever instances, i.e., the MAC retriever and the FAC retriever. This class is intended to be used as a super class for MAC/FAC retrievers. Thereby, it is important that the inheriting classes implement RetrievalFactoryObject in order to be instantiated properly during ProCAKE start.
Maximilian Hoffmann
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractMACFACRetriever

      public AbstractMACFACRetriever()
  • Method Details

    • getMACRetriever

      public Retriever<TCase,Query> getMACRetriever()
      Returns the MAC retriever instance of the MAC/FAC setup.
      the MAC retriever instance
    • setMACRetriever

      public void setMACRetriever(Retriever<TCase,Query> macRetriever)
      Set the MAC retriever instance that is used to execute the MAC phase of the MAC/FAC retrieval.
      macRetriever - a retriever instance that is ready to use in the MAC/FAC setup
    • getFACRetriever

      public Retriever<TCase,Query> getFACRetriever()
      Returns the FAC retriever instance of the MAC/FAC setup.
      the FAC retriever instance
    • setFACRetriever

      public void setFACRetriever(Retriever<TCase,Query> facRetriever)
      Set the FAC retriever instance that is used to execute the FAC phase of the MAC/FAC retrieval.
      facRetriever - a retriever instance that is ready to use in the MAC/FAC setup
    • perform

      public RetrievalResultList perform(MACFACQuery query)
      Description copied from interface: Retriever
      Performs a retrieval for the given query.
      Specified by:
      perform in interface Retriever<TCase extends DataObject,MACFACQuery>
      query - A query that can be created with Retriever.newQuery()
      a list of retrieval results
    • newQuery

      public MACFACQuery newQuery()
      Description copied from interface: Retriever
      Creates a new Query for the retriever. Do not mix the query objects between different retrieval implementation because queries can be implementation dependent.
      Specified by:
      newQuery in interface Retriever<TCase extends DataObject,MACFACQuery>
      newQuery in class RetrieverImpl<TCase extends DataObject,MACFACQuery>
      a new query object.