Interface WorkflowObject

All Superinterfaces:
AbstractWorkflowItemObject, DataObject, PropertyHandler, StatusableObject
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface WorkflowObject extends StatusableObject
Interface of a workflow-object. CAKE III - Extension. Represents the top/root node of a workflow.
Sebastian Goerg
  • Method Details

    • addDataObject

      void addDataObject(DataflowWrapperObject newDataObject)
      Adds a data-element to the workflow.
      newDataObject - The new data-element.
    • getDataObjects

      List<DataflowWrapperObject> getDataObjects()
      Returns all data-elements of this workflow.
      List of data-elements.
    • getDataObject

      DataflowWrapperObject getDataObject(String id)
      Returns the data-element with the given id.
      id - The id of the data-element to return.
      The data-element-object, if the object was found; NULL otherwise.
    • removeDataObject

      boolean removeDataObject(String id)
      Removes the data-element with the given id.
      id - The id of the data-element to remove.
      TRUE if the remove-operation was successful; FALSE otherwise.
    • getAtomicDataObjects

      List<DataflowWrapperObject> getAtomicDataObjects()
      Returns a list of all non-aggregated data-elements of the workflow.
      List of all non-aggregated data-elements.
    • getModel

      Model getModel()
      Returns the first sequence of the workflow. In many cases a workflow does only have one sequence. This method ist just a shortcut for getting all sequences and fetching the first of those.
      Specified by:
      getModel in interface DataObject
      If available, first sequence of the workflow; NULL otherwise.
    • registerEventListener

      void registerEventListener(WorkflowBlockListener consumer)
      Registers the given event-consumer for changes happening to the block-orientied workflow-objectmodel.
      consumer - The consumer of the events.
    • unregisterEventListener

      void unregisterEventListener(WorkflowBlockListener consumer)
      Deregisters the given event-consumer for changes happening to the block-oriented workflow-objectmodel. Events are not therefore no longer relayed to this consumer.
      consumer - The consumer of the events.
    • getEventListeners

      List<WorkflowBlockListener> getEventListeners()
      Returns the list of consumers for the events of the block-oriented workflow-objectmodel.
      List of consumers.
    • getSequence

      SequenceObject getSequence()
      Returns the main sequence of the workflow.
    • setSequence

      void setSequence(SequenceObject sequence)
      Sets the main sequence of the workflow.
    • getGraph

      NESTWorkflowObject getGraph()
      Returns the Graph-object associated with the stored workflow-object.
      Corresponding Graph-object for the workflow.
    • enableGraph

      void enableGraph(WorkflowObject.GRAPHTYPE type)
      Attaches a Graph-object to the block-oriented storage of the workflow. The Graph-object will be immedeatly updated to the current state and automatically updated if there are changes in the workflow. Re-enabling a specific GRAPHCONVERSIONTYPE does not have any effect. Switching a graph-representation is possible by calling the method with a different GRAPHCONVERSIONTYPE.
    • getAllTasks

      Set<TaskObject> getAllTasks()
      Returns all tasks from the workflow