Interface NESTSubWorkflowNodeObject
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Implementing Classes:
Interface of a SubWorkflow-Node of a NEST-graph. Each subworkflow consists of exactly one
subworkflow node as root. It can contain any number of subworkflow nodes inside that are
connected via part-of edges. A subworkflow node is not a part of the controlflow, subworkflow
nodes are only connected by part-of edges. The semantic description associated to a subworkflow
node represents some overall properties of the entire subworkflow. This can be a subworkflow
classification in some ontology, a set of semantic tags, or other properties related to the
quality or execution requirements of the subworkflow.
- Author:
- Christian Zeyen
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
Deletes the subgraph of this SubworkflowNodeObject recursively.Returns the parent node that is connected to this SubworkflowNode by a part-of-edge.Returns a copy of the subgraph with this object as the root node.Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable
Methods inherited from interface
assertSameValueAsIn, copy, getDataClass, getId, getModel, hasClassName, hasSameValueAsIn, hasSystemClassName, isAggregate, isAtomic, isBoolean, isByteArray, isChronologic, isCollection, isDataflowWrapper, isDataReference, isDate, isDouble, isInteger, isInterval, isKindOf, isList, isMemberOf, isNESTConstraintEdge, isNESTControlflowEdge, isNESTControlflowNode, isNESTDataflowEdge, isNESTDataNode, isNESTEdge, isNESTGraph, isNESTNode, isNESTPartOfEdge, isNESTSequenceNode, isNESTSequentialWorkflow, isNESTSubWorkflowNode, isNESTTaskNode, isNESTWorkflow, isNESTWorkflowNode, isNode, isNumeric, isSequence, isSet, isString, isSubWorkflow, isTask, isTime, isTimestamp, isUnion, isURI, isVoid, isWorkflow, removeId, setDataClass, setId, toDetailedString, toXML
Methods inherited from interface
addSemanticValue, addSemanticValue, computeSemanticDescriptorSimilarity, equalId, getGraph, getSemanticDescriptor, getSemanticDescriptorBooleanValue, getSemanticDescriptorStringValue, getSemanticDescriptorValue, getSemanticValueRecursively, hasSemanticallyEqualDescriptor, hasSemanticallyEqualDescriptor, setGraph, setSemanticDescriptor, setSemanticDescriptorBooleanValue, setSemanticDescriptorStringValue, setSemanticDescriptorValue
Methods inherited from interface
addIngoingEdge, addOutgoingEdge, getDirectParentNode, getEdges, getEdges, getIngoingEdges, getIngoingEdges, getOutgoingEdges, getOutgoingEdges, getParentNodes, isDirectPartOf, isPartOf, removeAllEdges, removeAllIngoingEdges, removeAllOutgoingEdges, removeIngoingEdge, removeOutgoingEdge
Methods inherited from interface
addProperty, addProperty, getAllProperties, getAllPropertyNodes, getProperty, getPropertyNames, getPropertyNode, getPropertyRootNode, hasProperties, removeProperty, setPropertyRootNode
Method Details
NESTNodeObject getParentNode()Returns the parent node that is connected to this SubworkflowNode by a part-of-edge.- Returns:
- the parent node, or null, if there is no parent node
NESTWorkflowObject getSubGraph()Returns a copy of the subgraph with this object as the root node. The subworkflow object becomes a workflow object.- Returns:
- The NESTGraphObject of this subworkflow node.
void deleteSubgraph()Deletes the subgraph of this SubworkflowNodeObject recursively.