Interface AggregateClass

All Superinterfaces:
DataClass, PropertyHandler
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface AggregateClass extends DataClass
The Aggregate Class uses the object oriented technique aggregation to combine several data classes into one class. This combination is realised with attributes that consist of a name and a corresponding data class, similar to instance variables of classes in object oriented programming languages. Arbitrary data classes can be used for the combination, especially other Aggregate Classes are possible. Thus, the modelling of deep aggregation hierarchies is possible.

To create an aggregate class, it's necessary to edit the xml file model.xml with the super class "Aggregate" and an arbitrary name. The attributes can be defined in the inner tag. They also need a super class and a name.

For example, a aggregate class can look like:

     <AggregateClass name="DataflowElement" superClass="Aggregate">
          <Attribute name="name" class="String" />
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • addAttribute

      void addAttribute(String attributeName, DataClass type) throws NameAlreadyExistsException, IllegalEditException
      Adds an attribute an the end of the attribute list.
      attributeName - a String object
      type - a DataClass object
      IllegalEditException - if any.
    • containsAttribute

      boolean containsAttribute(String attributeName)
      Checks if the given attribute name is visible in this class.
      attributeName - a String object
      true if the given attribute name exists in this or in one of the parent AggregateClasses.
    • getAttributeNames

      List<String> getAttributeNames()
      An array of all visible attributes should be returned. That includes all local defined attributes and all attributes from all super classes. Overriden attributes are only returned once.

      The order in the array is not fixed and can vary in each message call.

      Please note that the usage of this method does not work if the aggregate class is not finished.

      An array of attribute names. The result is never be null.
    • getAttributeInfos

      List<AggregateClass.AttributeInfo> getAttributeInfos()


      A list of attribute informations.
    • getAttributeType

      DataClass getAttributeType(String attributeName)
      Determine the type of the specified attribute. Warning: Only works on finished classes, returns null otherwise. To determine attribute-types in unfinished classes, call getInheritedAttributeType or getLocalAttributeType.
      attributeName - a String object
      the type of the given attribute or null, if the attribute not exist
    • getInheritedAttributeNames

      String[] getInheritedAttributeNames()
      An array of all inherited attribute names.

      The order in the array is not fixed and can vary in each message call.

      An array of inherited attribute names. The result is never be null.
    • getInheritedAttributeType

      DataClass getInheritedAttributeType(String attributeName)


      attributeName - a String object
      the type of the given attribute or null, if the attribute not exist in one of the parents
    • getLocalAttributeNames

      String[] getLocalAttributeNames()
      An array of all local defined attribute names.

      The order in the array is not fixed and can vary in each message call.

      An array of local attribute names. The result is never be null.
    • getLocalAttributeType

      DataClass getLocalAttributeType(String attributeName)


      attributeName - a String object
      the type of the given attribute or null, if the attribute not exist
    • getNumberOfAttributes

      int getNumberOfAttributes()
      getNumberOfAttributes() == getAttributeNames().size();
      the number of visible attributes.
    • getNumberOfLocalAttributes

      int getNumberOfLocalAttributes()
      getNumberOfLocalAttributes() == getLocalAttributeNames().size();
      the number of visible attributes.
    • getOverridenAttributeNames

      String[] getOverridenAttributeNames()
      An array of all local defined attribute names that override an attribute definition from one of the super classes.

      The order in the array is not fixed and can vary in each message call.

      An array of overriden attribute names. The result is never be null.
    • hasAttribute

      boolean hasAttribute(String attributeName)
      Checks if the attribute name is defined in this class or in one of the super classes
      attributeName - a String object
      true if the given attribute name exists in this AggregateClass.
    • removeAttribute

      void removeAttribute(String attributeName) throws IllegalEditException
      removes the given attribute
      attributeName - a String object
      IllegalEditException - if any.
    • getAttributeProperty

      String getAttributeProperty(String attributeName, String propertyName) throws ProCAKENoSuchAttributeException
      Gets the value of the given property name for the given attribute. If the property does not exists, null will be returned.
      attributeName - a String object
      propertyName - a String object
      The value of the property or null, if the property does not exists.
      ProCAKENoSuchAttributeException - if any.
      See Also:
    • getAttributePropertyNames

      String[] getAttributePropertyNames(String attributeName) throws ProCAKENoSuchAttributeException
      To receive all properties of an attribute that are set use this method. The result will never be null.
      attributeName - a String object
      All properties of the specified attribute. null will be never returned.
      ProCAKENoSuchAttributeException - if any.
      See Also:
    • removeAttributeProperty

      String removeAttributeProperty(String attributeName, String propertyName) throws ProCAKENoSuchAttributeException
      A property for a given attribute can be removed by setting a null property value or by using this method. In both cases the property is removed only if the property with the name propertyName exists.
      propertyName - The name of the property that should be removed.
      attributeName - a String object
      The value of the removed property or null if the property does not exist.
    • addAttributeProperty

      void addAttributeProperty(String attributeName, String propertyName, String propertyValue) throws ProCAKENoSuchAttributeException
      Sets a new property value or overwrites an existing one for the given attribute with the value propertyValue. If propertyName is null nothing will happen. If propertyValue is null, the property will be removed. This is the same like using the method removeAttributeProperty(String, String) just without a return type.
      attributeName - a String object
      propertyName - a String object
      propertyValue - a String object
      ProCAKENoSuchAttributeException - if any.
      See Also:
    • addAttributeProperty

      void addAttributeProperty(String attributeName, PropertyTreeNode newNode)


      attributeName - a String object
      newNode - a PropertyTreeNode object
    • updateAttributeType

      void updateAttributeType(String attributeName, DataClass newType) throws IllegalEditException
      To change the type of the attribute call this message. If the attribute name does not exist, it will be automatically added.
      attributeName - a String object
      newType - a DataClass object
      IllegalEditException - if any.